歡迎投稿 |
主題:Why pray? |
投稿者:Maria (21/2/2006)
內容:If everything that happens has to be God's will, why should we pray to God for what we want ? After all, God would not grand me what I pray for if it is not his will. On the other hand,if it is God's will, I will get it even if I do not pray for it. Hence, wouldn't it be more important for me to understand what is God's will than to pray for things which may not within God's will ?
I appreciate if you would enlighten me. Thanks | 回應: 我同意你的看法。耶穌老早已說了:「你們的父,在你們求他以前,已知道你們需要什麼。」(瑪6:8) 不過,我們的祈禱並不是只有「求恩」的,祈禱是人神的溝通,就像親子之間的對話,也不是只為求父母親什麼。 我在《正視人生的信仰》第26至29課中,列舉了的祈禱內容有:讚美、感謝、悔罪、代禱,形式則有口禱、默想、玫瑰經、短誦、連禱、聖詠祈禱、聖經祈禱、泰澤式祈禱、靜坐式祈禱、自發式祈禱……。請你詳細的閱讀上面四課書,也許對你有啟發。